Friday, January 25, 2013

Multiplying house plants

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Roots like it dark. 
These are just cuttings from a prayer plant that seemed like it wanted to be divided.
Making more plants with cutting is super easy. You just take a cutting, strip off any leaves from the lower two thirds or so, stick the bottom inch in some water, and wait.  Change the water every couple of days.  You can use rooting hormone if you want, but make sure you follow the warnings on the label.  You can also use a willow tree tisane.  (Is it a tisane if you don't drink it?)  I usually don't use either, but some of the harder to root plants might need it.  Prayer plant doesn't seem to be one of those difficult plants.  Neither is mint: mint is craaazy easy.  I'm propagating some in soil right now, and I've got a rosemary that seems to be doing well in soil.  It just put out buds, but I'm not sure if that's good or bad.

Anyway, yay plants!

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