Sunday, July 5, 2015

Crockpot Blueberry Syrup

So this is a fail.
Too damn sweet.
Still edible though.

5 c fresh blueberries
2 c sugar
7 vodka soaked vanilla beans
2 tbsp lemon juice

Cook all together in a crockpot on high for 3 hrs.  Keep the crockpot in the basement because it is stupid hot right now.  100 degrees in THIS town?  Yowza.  Take the lid off and cook on high for 30 more minutes to thicken.
Mash with a potato masher.
Pull the vanilla beans out.
Eat it on ice cream.
Regret adding 2 c sugar.
Decide to try some with vodka after this episode of True Detective, or maybe just knit and try on the syrup on pancakes in the morning.
And next time mayyyybe 0.5 cups sugar.