Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Garden Entry / Grow Write Guild

I think this is one of those bandwagon things I can get behind.  I like it, and it seems relatively doable in a noncommittal way. 

The first prompt, in a total cut and paste form to 1)prompt me, 2)share what I'm talking about 3)indulge my laziness so I don't have to click back and forth.  I have a lot of tabs open... :

Grow Write Guild Prompt #1: Write about your first plant.

Use the following questions to help spark memories and different approaches to this prompt. Read each question, one at a time, and jot down the very first thought that comes to mind. Try not to hesitate. No one is going to read these notes but you, so don’t be afraid to let your mind wander. Ignore the questions if you don’t need them.
    Further Questions:
  • How old were you when you grew this plant?
  • Where did you grow it (city, country, someone’s house, your own home, in a pot, in a garden)?
  • How did you come by the plant? (Did you buy it as a mature plant? Grow it from seed? Was it a gift? Did you steal it?)
  • What drew you to the plant? (Aesthetic: color, shape, form? Did it look tasty? Smell nice? Have an appealing texture?)
  • Did you know anything about this plant before you decided to grow it?
  • Did you have an emotional attachment or memory around this particular plant or type of plant before you decided to grow it? If yes, what was it?
  • Did you enjoy growing the plant or was it a negative experience?
  • Where is the plant now (alive; long dead; you ate it; it died, but spawned progeny that lives on)?

I had a spider plant growing in a yellow pot in a macrame holder.  But MY first plant, it wasn't mine, but the one that filled me with wonder and responsibility, was a bunch of plants.  Boysenberries.  Dappled shadows danced with dark sweet berries.  They taught me to value waiting for the ripe moment.  They taught me to treat plants with respect.  My grandmother taught me to select the right plant for the situation, later, as she related that the boysenberry was less thorny than other berry vines. 

I know now that they're canes, and that it was a whole row full of plants.

And I want to grow some for my daughter.


  1. I grew up picking wild blueberries and felt much the same about them as the feelings you describe here! I'm loving reading all these responses to prompt #1; you'll find mine here:

  2. Nice, I love that your grandmother taught you about gardening! Thought I’d share my post from the Grow Write Guild exercise… My First Plant


  3. Thank you guys for visiting and reading! My grandma is awesome!

  4. Mmmm. Bosenberry. I used to pick mulberries off the tree in the backyard. There's nothing quite like fresh berries staining your fingers!

    On a side note, ALT + Tab is a quick way to switch back and forth between a couple of open windows on a PC. Don't know if it works on Mac.
