Saturday, February 20, 2016

Research and Upgrade

Hey everybody.
There's a prebuzz in the air.  I say prebuzz because the bees are mostly asleep still this strange February.
Spiders and ants are getting an early start.  ... great  ...
Anyway, I hope to become more disciplined in all things creative, and by that I mean I hope to create more things.

I have a plan.  Somewhat nebulous, but details will work themselves out, right?

1. GET RID OF SHIT.  I have too much I have been hoarding, and really my stuff has been owning me.  This is going to be the spring and summer of free cycle, free piles, and sharing with my neighbors.

2. Update consistently.  Think about my plan.  I've never been a five year kind of planner.  But I need that.  My family needs that.  Maybe write updates here or in an "analog" format.

3. Decorate our neighborhood and get involved.  Yeah, our neighborhood school isn't great, but nobody is going to fix that except us.

4. Make stuff.

6. Profit.  Work part time.  Go back to school for BSN / labor studies.  Share.  Rebuild.  Fight.  Balance. 

Good plan, eh?

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